Thursday 22 March 2012

The "Naked Feet" dilemma

Don't know if it's just me or is there really a shortage of good shoe outlets in SA???? Ponder Ponder...we always go to the likes of the ALDO's LUELLA's NINEWEST and EUROPA ART (but then again, there's a high chance that your mom or some middle aged woman sitting next to you in church will be rocking the exact same shoe as yours #truestory). I'm not sure whether we are in a dilemma here ladies or what??? we need MORE SHOE STORES !!!

 But then again our famous retail outlets either have plastic shoes or a great range of mass produced shoes which completely takes away any bit of novelty that you had as that favourite pair you so love, *whispers* is owned by the rest of the country. Ladies we are running out of shoe stores that have variety of GENUINE and CLASSY eye-catching shoes here...Bring Back Choice (exclusive shoe stores), Bring Back Variety (retailers)...
my BEAUTIFUL FEET need PROPER FABULOUS clothing!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Leave middle-aged women alone :p
    Yeah I agree wth U in th lack of delicious yummy delectable piece of footcandy, all we have is functional footwear that's for everyday wear, nothing prim for a proper do out! U know what they say.. If U want the change, then U have to start it *raise eyebrow*!
    Miss Moloi
